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Current Research Activity of G C Papadopoulos

Research Activity


  1. Papadopoulos et al. "Somatostatin-like Émmunoreactive Neurons in  the Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) and the Sheep (Ovis aries) Central Nervous System".  Journal  of Comparative Neurology 244, 174-192, 1986. 
  2. Papadopoulos et al. "Neurotensin-like Immunoreactive Neurons in the  Hedgehog  (Erinaceus europaeus) and the  Sheep  (Ovis aries) Central Nervous System". Journal of Comparative Neurology 244, 193-203, 1986.
  3. Dinopoulos et al. "Thalamic Projections to Motor,  Prefrontal  and Somatosensory Cortex in the Sheep Studied  by Means of the Horseradish Peroxidase Retrograde Transport Method"  Journal  of Comparative  Neurology 241, 63-81, 1985.
  4. Papadopoulos et al. "The Coexistence of Oxytocin and Corticotropin-Releasing Factor in the Hypothalmaus: Immunocytochemical Study in the Rat, Sheep and Hedgehog".  Neuroscience Letters  62, 213-218, 1985.
  5. Michaloudi et al. "Thalamic  Projections to  the  Posterior Sylvian and Posterior Ectosylvian  Gyri of the Sheep Brain, Revealed with the Retrograde Transport of  Horseradish  Peroxidase".  Anatomy  and Embryology 175, 77-90, 1986.
  6. Dinopoulos et al. "Retinal  Projections in the Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus). An Autoradiographic and   Horseradish  Peroxidase  Study".  Anatomy  and  Embryology 176, 65-70,  1986.
  7. Papadopoulos et al."Extensive  Co-existence  of  Neuropeptides  in  the  Rat Visual   Cortex". Brain Research, 420, 95-99, 1987.
  8. Papadopoulos et al. "Monoaminergic  Fibres  Form Conventional Synapses in  the Cerebral Cortex". Neuroscience Letters 76, 275-279,1987.
  9. Papadopoulos GC. "Immunocytochemistry: Principles and Applications in the Study of the Nervous System". Proceedings of 2nd Congress of the Hellenic Society for Neuroscience, p 41-48, 1986. 
  10. Antonopoulos et al. "VIP- and CCK-like-Immunoareactive    Neurons   in   the   Hedgehog (Erinaceus  europaeus)  and  Sheep (Ovis  aries)  Brain". Journal  of   Comparative Neurology 263, 290-307, 1987.
  11. Papadopoulos et al. "Light and  Electron  Microscope Immunocytochemical Analysis  of the  Serotonin  Innervation  of the Rat  Visual  Cortex". Journal of Neurocytology 16, 883-892, 1987.
  12. Michaloudi et al. "Cortical and Brain Stem  Projections  to  the Spinal Cord  of  the  Hedgehog (Erinaceus  europaeus). A Horseradish Peroxidase  Study". Anatomy and Embryology  178, 259-270, 1988.
  13. Papadopoulos et al. "Light and  Electron Microscopic Immunocytochemical Analysis  of the  Noradrenaline Innervation of the Rat Visual Cortex". Journal  of  Neurocytology 18, 1-10, 1989.
  14. Papadopoulos et al. "Coexistence  of  Neuropeptides  in  the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Íucleus of the Sheep".  Neuropeptides 15,  227-233, 1990.
  15. Antonopoulos et al. "Distribution and Coexistence of Neuropeptides in the Infundibular Nucleus of the Sheep". Neuropeptides 14,  121-128, 1989.
  16. Antonopoulos et al. "Neuropeptide Y-like Immunoreactive Neurons in the Hedgehog  (Erinaceus europaeus) and the Sheep (Ovis aries) Brain". Journal fur Hirnforschung, 30, 349-360, 1989. 
  17. Papadopoulos et al."Light and  Electron Microscopic Immunocytochemical Analysis  of the  Dopamine  Innervation  of the  Rat  Visual  Cortex". Journal of Neurocytology,  18, 303-310, 1989.
  18. Parnavelas and Papadopoulos. "The  Monoaminergic Innervation  of  the Cerebral Cortex is not Diffusse  and Nonspecific". Trends   in Neurosciences 12, 315-319, 1989.
  19. Dinopoulos et al. "Basal  Forebrain Projections   to  the  Lower  Brain  Stem  in  the Rat". Experimental Neurology 105, 316-3, 1989.
  20. Papadopoulos  and  Parnavelas. "Distribution  and Synaptic Organization of  Dopaminergic Axons in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of the Rat". Journal of Comparative Neurology 294, 356-361, 1990.
  21. Papadopoulos and  Parnavelas. "Distribution  and Synaptic Organization of Serotoninergic and Noradrenergic Axons  in  the  Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of  the  Rat". Journal  of   Comparative Neurology, 294, 345-355, 1990.
  22. Michaloudi et al."Postnatal Development  of Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide-Containing Neurons in the  Visual  Cortex  of  Normal and  Dark  Reared  Rats".  Neuroscience  Letters  149, 129-132,  1993.
  23. Rousselot et al."Oxytocinergic Innervation of  the  Rat Spinal  Cord. An Electron Microscopic Study". Brain Research, 528, 178-184, 1990.
  24. Papadopoulos  and  Parnavelas. "Monoamine Systems in the Cerebral Cortex: Evidence for Anatomical Specificity". Progress  in Neurobiology (36, 195-200, 1991).
  25. Panagopoulos et al."Dopaminergic   Innervation   and  Binding  in  the Rat Cerebellum". Neuroscience Letters 130, 208-212, 1991.
  26. Papadopoulos and  Dori. "DiI Labelling Combined with Conventional Immunocytochemical Techniques for Correlated Light and Electron Microscopic Studies".  Journal  of   Neuroscience Methods, 46, 251-258, 1993.
  27. Papadopoulos GC. "Neuroregulators in the Cerebral Cortex" Iatriki, 61, 578-588, 1992.
  28. Papadopoulos et al. "Postnatal  Development of  Somatostatin-Containing Neurons in the Visual  Cortex of Normal  and  Dark  Reared  Rat". Experimental  Brain  Research,  92,  473-478, 1992.
  29. Antonopoulos et al. "Postnatal Development of Neuropeptide Y-Containing Neurons in the Visual Cortex of Normal  and Dark Reared Rat". Neuroscience Letters, 145, 75-78, 1992.
  30. Dennison-Cavanagh et al.  "The  Emergence  of  the Cortical GABAergic  Neuron:  With Particular Reference to Some Peptidergic Sub-populations".   Journal   of   Neurocytology, 22, 805-814, 1993.
  31. Dinopoulos et al.  "The Claustrum  in  the Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)  Brain: Cytoarchitecture and Connections with Cortical and Subcortical   Structures".  Journal of Comparative Neurology 316, 187-205, 1992.
  32. Papadopoulos G.C. "Differential  Activation of the  Cortical Visual  Areas in Visually Deprived Rats". Journal fur Hirnforschung, 34, 539-544, 1993.
  33. Paspalas et al. Serotoninergic  supraependymal  plexus in  the ventricular system of  the hedgehog: organization principles and functional implications. Journal  of Brain Research, 3, 333-342, 1994.
  34. Karagogeos and Papadopoulos. Localization of molluscan  R15  peptide  immunoreactivity in  the  hedgehog brain. Brain Research, 650, 275-282, 1994.
  35. Antonopoulos et al. "Cholecystokinin neurons in the developing visual cortex of normal  and dark reared rats. Comparison with other perptidergic populations". Journal of Brain Research, 3, 441-444, 1994.
  36. Tsingotzidou and Papadopoulos. "Anatomic organization of the ascending branch of the milk-ejection reflex in sheep: Primary afferent neurons". Journal of Comparative Neurology, 460, 66-79, 2003.
  37. Michaloudi and Papadopoulos. "Atlas of the serotonin-containing cell bodies and fibers in the central nervous system of the hedgehog". Journal of Brain Research, 36, 77-100, 1995.
  38. Michaloudi and Papadopoulos. "Noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems in the central nervous system of the hedgehog. (Erinaceus europaeus)". Journal of Brain Research, 37, 319-350, 1996.
  39. Michaloudi and Papadopoulos. "Catecholaminergic and serotoninergic fibers innervate the ventricular system of the hedgehog CNS". Journal of Anatomy, 189, 273-283, 1996.
  40. Paspalas and Papadopoulos. "Ultrastrucural relationships between noradrenergic nerve fibers and non-neuronal elements in the rat cerebral cortex". Glia, 17, 133-146, 1996. 
  41. Antonopoulos and Papadopoulos. "Interruption of visual deprivation during development restores the normal density of peptidergic neurons in the rat visual cortex". Journal of  Brain Research 37, 121-125, 1996.
  42. Paspalas and Papadopoulos. "Ultrastructural evidence for combined action of noradrenaline and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide upon neuronal and non-neuronal elements". Brain Research Bulletin, 45, 247-259, 1998.
  43. Michaloudi et al. "The noradrenergic innervation of identified hypothalamic magnocellular neurons and its contribution to lactation-induced synaptic plasticity". Journal of  Neuroendocrinology,  9, 17-23,1997.
  44. Papadopoulos and Michaloudi. "Apoptosis in the visual system of normal and dark-reared rats". Brain Research, 838, 214-217, 1999.
  45. Paspalas and Papadopoulos. "Noradrenergic innervation of peptidergic interneurons in the rat visual cortex". Cerebral Cortex, 9, 844-853, 1999.
  46. Michaloudi and Papadopoulos. "Mast cells in the sheep, hedgehog and rat forebrain". Journal of Anatomy,195, 577-586, 1999.
  47. S. Verghese-Nikolakaki et al. "Expression of the prion protein in the rat forebrain-an immunohistochemical study". Neuroscience Letters 272, 9-12, 1999.
  48. Hajos et al. "Ovarian cycle-related changes of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactivity in the rat interpenduncular nucleus". Brain Research 862, 43-48, 2000.
  49. Paspalas et al. Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide in Neuroglia" Immunoelectron Microscopic Localization in Astrocytes of the Rat Mesencephalon. Glia, 34, 229-233, 2001.
  50. Kaldrymidou et al. Papillary Meningioma in the Cerebellum of a Cat. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 123, 222-225, 2000.
  51. Paspalas et al. Distribution and synaptology of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) immunoreactive structures in the rat periaqueductal grey. Journal of Neurocytology 29, 541-549, 2000.
  52. Paspalas and Papadopoulos. Serotoninergic afferents preferentially innervate distinct subclasses of peptidergic interneurons in the rat visual cortex. Brain Research, 891, 158-167, 2001.
  53. Hayashi et al. Analysis of transient expression of estrogen receptor alpha in newborn rat primary auditory cortex. Hormones and Behavior, 40, 191-195, 2001.
  54. Kaldrymidou et al. Papillary meningioma in the dog: a clinipathological study of two cases. Journal of Comparative Pathology 124, 227-230, 2001.
  55. Michaloudi et al. Parallel development of blood vessels and mast cells in the lateral geniculate nuclei. Developmental Brain Research, 140, 269-276, 2003.
  56. Polyzopoulou et al., Juvenile laryngeal paralysis in three young Siberian Husky X 2. Alaskan Malamute crossbreeds. Veterinary Record, 153, 624-627, 2003.
  57. Tsingotzidou and Papadopoulos. Anatomic organization of the ascending branch of the milk-ejection reflex in sheep: Primary afferent neurons. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 460, 66-79, 2003.
  58. Grivas et al. Vascular network of the rat hippocampus is not homogeneous along the septotemporal axis. Brain Research, 971, 245-249, 2003.
  59. Denaxa et al. The upstream regulatory region of the gene for the human homologue of the adhesion molecule TAG-1 contains elements driving neural specific expression in vivo. Molecular Brain Research, 118(1-2), 91-101, 2003.
  60. Polizopoulou et al. Diagnostic correlation of CT-MRI imaging and histopathology in 10 dogs with brain neoplasms. J. Vet. Med. A Physiol Pathol Clin Med. 51, 226-231, 2004.
  61. Michaloudi et al. Areal and laminar variations in the vascularity of the visual, auditory and entorhinal cortices of the developing rat brain. Developmental Brain Research, 155, 60-70, 2005.
  62. Tsingotzidou, et al. International Harmonization of Veterinary Medicine Studies. Proceedings of the International Conference "Global Integration of Graduate Programmes", Irkutsk, 2005.
  63. Tsingotzidou and Papadopoulos. Graduate Programs: The Neuroscience Paradigm. Proceedings of the International Conference "Global Integration of Graduate Programmes", Irkutsk, 2005.
  64. Michaloudi et al. Developmental changes in the vascular network of the rat visual areas 17, 18 an 18a. Developmental Brain Research, 1103, 1-12, 2006.
  65. Papadopoulos GC. About free will (1&2) Popular Science, July and August 2006.
  66. Papadopoulos GC. Cosmos as a matter of (a)symmetry. Scientific American (Gr ed), Vol. 5 (4), 2007.
  67. Papadopoulos GC. I am an image of yours and we look alike. The dialogue as a duty of the scientist. Scientific American (Gr ed), Vol. 5 (5), 2007.
  68. Papadopoulos GC. The substance of the giants. Six lessons and a comment. Scientific American (Gr ed), Vol. 5 (6), 2007.
  69. Papadopoulos GC. Neurobiological research. About method. Scientific American (Gr ed), Vol. 5 (7), 2007.
  70. Michaloudi et. al. Developmental changes of mast cell populations in the cerebral meninges of the rat. Journal of Anatomy, 211, 556-566, 2007.
  71. Tsingotzidou et. al. An artificial neural network model of the milk ejection reflex in the sheep. EANN 2007, in press.
  72. Tsingotzidou and Papadopoulos. The milk-ejection reflex in the sheep: an anatomical study on the afferent pathway. Anat. Histol. Embryol., 37(4), 245-250,2008.
  73. Papadopoulos GC. Numbers for brains. Not for dreams. Scientific American (Gr ed), Vol. 5 (8), 2007.
  74. Papadopoulos GC. The pain of one and the other. Scientific American (Gr ed), Vol. 5 (11), 2007.
  75. Papadopoulos GC. Neuroscience and religion. Scientific American (Gr ed), Vol. 6 (1), 2008.
  76. Papadopoulos GC. Taking brain pictures for the court. Scientific American (Gr ed), Vol. 6 (3), 2008.
  77. Liaguras et al. Pyramidal neurons in the septal and temporal CA1 field of the human and hedgehog tenrec hippocampus. Brain Res, 1218, 35-46, 2008.
  78. Papadopoulos GC. The Architecture of idols. The perception of the fragmented world. Synapsis, Vol. 4 (9), 2008.
  79. Papadopoulos GC. The brain of the time. Synapsis, December 2008.
  80. Michaloudi et al. Mast cells populations fluctuate along the spinal dura mater of the developing rat. Brain Research,  1226, 8-17, 2008.
  81. Michaloudi et al. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the vascular network in the cerebral cortex. In 'Microcirculation: Function, Malfunction and Measuraments', Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2009, pp 39-59.
  82. Polizopoulou et al. Neuronal vacuolation and spinocerebellar degeneration in two Rottweiler siblings. J. Vet. Intern. Med. 23: 396-416, 2009.
  83. Liagkouras et. al. Spines of the CA1 pyramidal neurons exhibit species-related differences in the basal and the apical dendritic tree and along the septo-temporal axis of the mammalian hippocampus. In 'Dendritic Spines: Biochemistry, Modeling and Properties', Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2009, pp 113-130.
  84. Kosmidis et al. A sparsely connected network to model the relay stations of the sheep milk ejection reflex. Neurocomputing, 73 (1-3): 80-86, 2009.
  85. Giannakopoulou et al. Time dependent fate of transplanted neural precursor cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Exp. Neurol. 230 (1):16-26, 2011.
  86. Giannakopoulou et al. Inflammatory changes induced by transplanted NPCs in a Multiple Sclerosis Model. Neuroreport, 22(2):68-72, 2011.
  87. Giannakopoulou et al. Acute inflammation alters adult hippocampal neurogenesis in a multiple sclerosis mouse model. Journal of Neuroscience Research 2013 Apr 22. doi: 10.1002/jnr.23226.
  88. Grivas et al. Quantitative evaluation of adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the sheep. Proceedings of the 26 congress of HSN, Athens 2013.
  89. Bekiari et al. Birth, differentiation and survival patterns of new granule cells in the septal and temporal part of the adult rat dentate gyrus. Proceedings of the 26th congress of HSN, Athens 2013.
  90. Giannakopoulou et al. Adipose stem cell - transplantation in a rat model of traumatic brain injury. Proceedings of the 26th congress of HSN, Athens 2013.
  91. Bekiari et al., "Dentate Gyrus Variation Along its Septo-Temporal Axis: Structure and Function in Health and Disease ". In: Dentate Gyrus: Structure, Role in Disease and Potential Health Implications. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2014.
  92. Bekiari et al., "Neurogenesis in the Septal and Temporal Part of the Adult Rat Dentate Gyrus". Hippocampus, vol. 25(4): 511-523.
  93. Bekiari et al., "Comparing adult hippocampal neurogenesis in mammalian species: cell proliferation and maturation pattern along the septo-temporal axis of the rodent, canine and sheep dentate gyrus". FFRM, 2015
  94. Giannakopoulou et al., "Adipose stem cell-transplantation: Potential in treatment of traumatic brain injury in rats". FFRM, 2015.
  95. Lyras et al., Bone lesions in a Late Pleistocene assemblage of the insular deer Candiacervus sp. II from Liko cave (Crete, Greece). International Journal of Paleoanthropology, vol. 14, 36-45, 2016
  96. Karagiannis “Evaluating the course of an Alzheimer˘s disease model in the rat brain with high frequency ultrasound” Fronties in Human Neuroscience vol. 10, 2017
  97. Lyras et al., "Evolution of Gyrification in Carnivores", Brain, Behavior and Evolution vol. 88: 187-203, 2016
  98. Dori et al., " Seven days post-injury fate and effects of genetically labelled adipose-derived mesenchymal cells on a traumatic brain injury experimental model", Histology and Histopathology vol. 32: 1041-1055, 2017
  99. Bekiari Ch., Mutus R, Papadopoulos GC. "Neurogenesis in the Adult Mammalian Brain", Inst. Gel. Univ. J. Health Sciences vol. 2: 70-88, 2017
  100. G. C. Papadopoulos, "About Happiness and other annoying things". Synapsis 48: 4-13, 2018
  101. A. Bakopoulou et al, "Dental pulp stem cells in chitosan/gelatin scaffolds for enhanced orofacial bone regeneration", Dental Materials 35(2): 310-327, 2019
  102. Bekiari Ch. et al., "Adult neurogenesis and gliogenesis in the dorsal and ventral canine hippocampus", Journal of Comparative Neurology 1-15, 2019
  103. Nanaki G. et al., "Hierarchical Porous Carbon-PLLA and PLGA Hybrid Nanoparticles for Intranasal Delivery of Galantamine for Alzheimer's Disease Therapy". Pharmacutics 12(3), 2020
  104. Dori I. et al., "Birth and death of neurons in the developing and mature brain", International Journal of Developmental Biology, DOI: 10.1387ijdb.210139id